Saturday, January 31, 2009

From Mitch

Hello Troops. I'd just like to encourage you today to stay strong in the Lord! The best way to be a good soldier is to obey. Our Master doesn't expect perfection. Just be available, be ready to fight at a moments notice. What? You didn't know you were in the service? Well, if you have truly accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you're in His army. Onward Christian soldiers...remember. And as a good soldier we need to know what the Masters will is. His will is that we are a living sacrifice, set apart for good works. O.K., basic training goes like this. You get saved, you got something to share. That's it! I was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see. Tell somebody! But, I don't feel led. Well, get the lead out and get to it! It's not a suggestion. Jesus says, Go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Win, Equip, Send. That's our motto! As you grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, you'll learn the different parts of the armour of God, for defense, and offense, and our secret weapon. Prayer!! That's it for now. I'll be relaying other orders as needed. Just remember, we are more than conquerors in Christ!


The Godsey Family said...

Aye, aye, sir! Will continue to move toward position and await further orders. Calling now for close air support from the Holy Spirit!
