Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hello Friends!

Since research shows that only 2% of all Christians share their faith on a regular basis, I am very concerned for this country and this world. Why do we just keep the hope and the forgiveness that Jesus Christ has shown us, hidden inside of us? What a selfish thing to do!!! Who are we to not share what Jesus has done for us? What is the Church doing? What are followers of Christ thinking, while they know that their co-worker, father or mother, friend or even spouse would spend eternity in hell and suffering once they die? And even more I wonder what Jesus thinks about the Church right now.

As we know 10 out of 10 people die. 150,ooo people die every 24 hours. Most of them without knowing Christ.
We can no longer hide this hope and faith but must share it with a lost world that needs a chance of hope and a life in Jesus! If we do not show them, who will??? Jesus himself gives us this commandment, "Go ye in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

For the longest time I was afraid of what people would think of me, when the truth is, that doesn't matter one bit. It matters what Jesus thinks of me. We are not trying to impress people, but to share the hope with others that Jesus gave us. We are not better then anyone else, just FORGIVEN! I can not and will not hide the hope of an everlasting life with Jesus from others, but I have a desire and obligation to share this with the rest of the world!

"Have you no desire for others to be saved, then you are not saved yourself, be sure of that."
Charles Spurgeon


Mitch said...

Very good Crissy! We are to be obedient to what God has called us to do. Witness to unbelievers. Witness to believers. Witness to people who think they are believers.

Maxx said...

Amen to that, Chrissy, good post! I especially like where you said it only matters what Jesus thinks of you, and no one else. How true that is.

I still struggle to wear my faith in Christ on my sleeve more while on the job. But I'm getting tired of running from the mission the Lord has called me to!

Chuck Missler has often said that God gives us an opportunity every day to show how much we actually love and trust Him. What we need is complete surrender to the grace He wants to give us to make the most of those opportunities.